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I have a few sacred symbols I work with to help me understand my relationship to Source, Life Force Energy, Spirit, Creator, Great Mystery, God, Divine….the name less important than the knowing that I am part and particle of something greater.

The vessel is an image I hold to be reminded that I am empty without what animates me and gives me life and breath. "I of myself can do nothing, it is the being and doing that moves through me that creates everything" is a prayer I offer. I often move this into an embodied prayer by literally pouring water back and forth between two vessels-one big, one small- to make the truth come alive for me. I am lulled by the ease of the pour. The water streaming forth full of motion and clarity and nurturance. Then watching as it lands in the passive vessel’s open mouth, receptive and ready. A rhythm between the two emerges, a rhythm that doesn’t have to be earned or worked at but is more like a chain reaction. Could this be a definition of flow? A rhythm that is not forced? A magnetism exists between what isn’t yet and what will be. Empty to full, full to empty, a pendulum of surrender + opportunity.

I believe this is how Spirit moves within each of us. All of creation as a big old Rube Goldberg of divine design. I am so glad for your piece in the chain.

Offering Sacred Imagery: Vessel