Portfolio > Writing


The only way to begin is to begin.
Move into the field of action with your transformed self and goals.
Embody change.
Dedicate yourself to that which you hold dear.
Ritualize. Sanctify. Shadow Box.
Doggedly persist in forming habits that support you and your growth.
Don’t over-extend outward. Reach inward.
Dig deeper. Connect with limitless source.
Quiet down and keep silence as the dominant conversation.
Put speaking truth ahead of every other kind of acknowledgement.
Feel the determined ease that accompanies integrity.
Hold tight to beauty, to love of home and family.
To the beating heart of the natural world in your ears.
Maintain your relationships with these things by prioritizing their place in your life order.
Make good agreements with the world at large and the pieces it wants from you.
Police those borders where self and society, work and home, spirit and body meet, and make sure the side you are standing is where you most want to be.
Your self is the only true territory you own. Make it rich country.
